Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Temperature Sensors T, Pressure Sensors P and CAN Temperature Sensor.
Temperature Sensors T
Temperature Sensors TTemperature Sensor PPC-0412-TScrew-in version, measures current temperatures directly in the pipelineRod-type version (-TSH), especially designed to determine the media temperatures in tanks and containers5-pin connectionInput signal: 0 .3 V DCOutput signal: 7 .12 V DC
Pressure Sensor PPC-0412-PAnalogue version5-pin connectionCan be used with all analogue Hydraulic Testers of the PPC seriesInput voltage: 9 . 36 V DCOutput signal: 0 . 3 V DC
CAN Temperature Sensor PPC-CAN-TCAN Temperature Sensor PPC-CAN-TCAN versionIndication of the sensor status via LED5-pin SPEEDCON connection plugCANopen protocol profile DS301, Typ 2.0A with manufacturer-specific additionsLSS service DS305 v2.0Output signal: CAN bus