We are offering sole tt8 treadmill. The tt8 is an engineering marvel in every sense. Apples to apples it performs at the same level as commercial models and compares to them in every way, except for price. We're not saying we're better than other respectable commercial brands, we're saying we're comparable, and just by far the better value. Tt stands for twenty-two as in twenty-two inches wide. The tt8 treadmill offers a twenty-two inch wide running surface designed to give runners an extra safe and comfortable feel. The extra width truly lets runners run freely without having to think about where they're positioned on the treadmill at all times. It also offers a grated reinforced framework which produces the best foundation for a deck and is rated for stressuse and users up to 425 lbs. This framework, perma-waxed reversible deck, with 3" crowned rollers, offers any runner uncompromising quality for years and years of use. When compared to like models which cost upwards of $5, 000, the sole tt8 is miles ahead of the competition in quality, performance, and value. if you're looking for a 22" wide treadmill and you want all the options a treadmill can have, the tt8 is your treadmill. The running surface is the largest sole has at 60" x 22". The tt8 also comes standard with a 2 ply belt that adds even more to the feel of the treadmill as well as longevity. The belt is engineered on a similar premise to the soles in running shoes. The tt8 offers a top speed of 12mph and a top incline of 15% to give you a variety of options for interval workouts. We also add our 6 window dot-matrix display, a whisper deck with a lifetime warranty, and a 3.5hp motor with a 10lb. Flywheel for smooth and consistent power. The tt8 treadmill has the same great cushion flex deck that other sole models have to minimize stress to hips, knees and ankles. the tt8 also comes with heart rate control, complete with a polar chest strap, to keep you on target for heart rate training.