Here we have the most rapid-acting medicinal herbs from the Island of Malaysia. The
Herbal Jamu Stick is specially formulated for women who want to develop their full potential. The composition of these wonderful medicinal herbs is made from traditional purest pharmaceutical quality herbs found only in the Malaysia Island. The secret formula of Herbal Nature mixtures based on traditional herbs is well-known to Malaysia women over hundreds of years. This well-kept secret formula was perfected and carefully blended with newly discovered ingredients into high-potency formula to give the following positive effects to any women: For many centuries, the White Herbal Jamu Stick (Tightening Herbal Stick) has been used widely as a Traditional Malaysian Medicine. The Malaysian womens were well known for their beautiful & voluptuous figure. They were known to be able to age gracefully by preserving their Health, Vitality & Beauty, & at the same time, maintaining highly satisfying sexual relationships with their husbands. The Herbal Jamu Stick is made from specially selected Natural Herbs found only on An Island in the Malay Archipellago. The formula of the Herbal Jamu Stick is closely guarded for generations & handed down within the family line. When the Herbal Jamu Stick is inserted into the vaginal, the Herbal Essence is absorbed by the skin in the vaginal, thus tightening the vaginal muscles. It helps to increase the feeling of Youth & Vitality during intercourse & heightens greater sexual sensations & satisfaction during intercourse.
The Jamu Herbal Stick helps to - Stimulate & intensify mutual excitement during intercourse
- Eliminates Vaginal Discharge & odour from the vaginal
- Provide relief to discomfort due to internal irritation in the Vagina
- Tones, Tightens & Strengthens the Vagina Muscles
The Jamu Herbal Stick helps to - The white Jamu Herbal Stick will stimulate and intensify mutual excitement during sex
- The white Jamu Herbal Stick will eliminate vaginal "white discharges" (leucorrhoea) and Banish vaginal odor
- The white Jamu Herbal Stick will relieve internal irritation in the vagina that causes discomfort. Ideally suitable to be used by women who try accomplish their full Potential, because the medicinal herbs will reduce excessive liquid discharge substance in the vagina and to provide maximum sexual pleasure for both participants
- Many Women Suffer from White discharge, Vagina Odor "loose" Vagina due to age or regular sex. It will Tightens
Instructions - Wash the hands & cleanse yourself
- Before inserting the Jamu Herbal Stick, ensure that the vaginal is dry
- Relax the body & insert the Jamu Herbal Stick into the vaginal for 1 2 minutes
- Gently remove the Herbal Jamu Stick
- Rinse the Herbal Jamu Stick under running water. (Do Not Use Soap)
- Leave it to dry vertically in a dry & well ventilated place
Direction How to Use - Cleanse hand and the private part
- Relax. Insert 56 CM (22.5 INCHES) into the vagina slowly and let it remain for about 1530seconds. Then slowly release.