We offer moringa seeds. Moringa oleifera is the best known species amount the thirteen species of the genus moringacae. It was highly valued in the ancient civilizations. in indian sub-continent, people have used fresh pods and leaves as main vegetable food. The leaves are eaten throughout west africa and parts of asia. We supply quality seeds to moringa seed oil manufacturers. family: moringacae species: moringa oleifera range: native to the indian sub-continent. It is naturalized in tropical and sub-tropical areas around the world. plant description: it is deciduous tree or shrub, fast-growing, partially drought resistant, average height of 6 meters at full maturity. There are 13 varieties of moringa species found. find the below other twelve varieties of this species:moringa drouhardii, moringa arborea, moringa concanensis, moringa borziana, moringa hildebrandtii, moringa rivae, moringa longituba, moringa peregrina, moringa ovalifolia, moringa pygmaea, moringa ruspoliana andmoringa stenopetala. we are waiting for your valuable enquiry